Preferred Hotels & Resorts: The World's Best Independent Hotels | Preferred Hotels & Resorts
Preferred Residences | Preferred Hotels and Resorts

Preferred Residences

Preferred Residences offers travelers a luxurious collection of residential accommodations that include all the services and amenities of a hotel or resort. Gracious culinary spaces and dedicated living areas are perfect for longer stays, family holidays, group get-togethers, and any time when more generous accommodations are needed.
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Preferred Residences | Preferred Hotels and Resorts

Extraordinary Stays Around the World

Preferred Residences

Preferred Residences offers travelers a luxurious collection of residential accommodations that include all the services and amenities of a hotel or resort. Gracious culinary spaces and dedicated living areas are perfect for longer stays, family holidays, group get-togethers, and any time when more generous accommodations are needed.
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